Come and join us on our Neolithic build! Fresh air, good company, food, creative work. All ages, all levels of experience welcome. You will learn lots of new skills in the process of managing the woods and harvesting materials from the site, building without nails. There are many aspects to the work – room for the more skilled to do their own projects.
We are building between 1st April and Ist December, every Wednesday from 10.00 – 4.00. If the weather’s foul we may cancel or do some indoor work like tool hafting.
We will also have a working week in March to collect materials for the summer camp and one in November to collect for following season.
If you are interested in joining our very diverse group, please come down to Old Chapel Farm to register for the first time and enjoy a cuppa with us and we’ll make sure you have everything you need to begin. Thereafter you can just turn up on any day you choose. Bring a packed lunch. If you let us know that you are coming the night before, we will provide lunch for you!
We look forward to seeing you on the big build!